London, 6 July 2022: Fulcrum Asset Management is pleased to announce that Joe Davidson will become the Managing Partner of the firm, effective immediately. Joe’s promotion reflects the increasing importance in recent years of the growth in the partnership, which is the bedrock of the firm’s culture.
Joe joined Fulcrum in 2004 and this new role reflects the significant contribution he has made to Fulcrum’s success to date. He will report to the Management Board and will have responsibility for all internal operations of the firm.
Andrew Stevens, a Founder of Fulcrum with Gavyn Davies, has also announced that he will resign from being CEO of Fulcrum at the end of the year. Importantly, Andrew will continue as the Founder of Fulcrum and Chairman of the Investment Committee of Fulcrum Alternative Solutions (FAS). He will also remain on the Management Board of the firm.
Suhail Shaikh will continue as Chief Investment Officer and the FAS investment team under Matthew Roberts will report to him, with Nabeel Abdoula remaining as Deputy Chief Investment Officer. Importantly, there will be no change to the composition of the Management Board, which has been operating successfully to guide all the executive functions at the firm since last year, with Gavyn Davies continuing to be the Chair.
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