Integrating sustainability considerations in Alternative Solutions
Setting out our aims to help our clients meet their sustainability objectives.
Fulcrum has made a commitment to being a responsible investor, with sustainability representing one of our five core firm values. We recognise the challenges facing the natural environment and believe that financial markets have an important role to play in creating a more sustainable world.
Disciplined and innovative approach to integrating sustainability related considerations in our investment decision making and product offering.
Prudent stewards of capital in how we exercise our voting rights; we engage with companies, stakeholders and industry initiatives in a thoughtful and targeted manner.
Communicate and align with our clients on sustainability-related issues through transparent disclosures and feedback loops.
The nuances of sustainability integration depend on strategy, asset class and time horizon. Hence, we have adopted a thoughtful approach to how we integrate sustainability across our various strategies.
Our strategic equity allocation is entirely invested in companies that are aligned to the Paris Agreement’s temperature target of below 2⁰C.
Our thematic equity approach has led to numerous, targeted, investment ideas such as our climate solutions strategy.
Sustainability is central to our manager research and selection process. We use our proprietary scoring methodology to assess sustainability risks and opportunities.
We develop short and mid-term engagement plans for external managers and improvement plans for individual assets.
We have developed an innovative systematic process for managing the Paris-aligned carbon budget of an equity portfolio.
Within our systematic trend-following strategy we tilt towards the stock markets, bond markets, currencies and commodities of countries which have higher environmental, social and governance scores.
We are conscious that we do not operate in isolation and engage with industry initiatives to collectively improve disclosure, innovation and support sustainability-related solutions.
To find out more about our sustainability and stewardship approach you can read our Stewardship Report below.
Reducing greenhouse gases emissions is crucial to prevent further global warming. This is why we are signatories to Climate Action 100+, an initiative that engages with the most polluting companies – and encourages them to drastically reduce their emissions.
Moving from a fossil fuel-reliant to a low-carbon economy is challenging. This is why our main engagement goal is to encourage companies to set science-based targets, so it is clear how they intend to make this transition.
The foundation of any climate metric is credible and extensive carbon emission disclosure. CDP is the market leader, and we support their work to improve transparency and data across the industry.
Fulcrum joined the Net Zero Asset Manager Initiative in January 2022 in line with our ambition to reach net zero by 2050.
Our investment and research teams – bringing together economists, strategists, analysts, climate specialists, portfolio managers – work together to develop investment solutions, stay at the frontier of innovation, and contribute to the industry’s knowledge. We enable a seamless integration of sustainability across the organisation by having sustainability leads for each of our investment capabilities.
Sustainability is a firm-wide value but is applied based on the mandate and context of the different strategies. Sustainability principles, initiatives, standards, or metrics described on this site may not apply to all investment strategies or assets of Fulcrum Asset Management LLP, including past investments. Sustainability is one of many factors considered in investment decisions, and other considerations may sometimes take precedence. This information aims to outline our approach to evaluating and improving sustainability and addressing sustainability-related issues faced in our investment management. For details on our sustainability approach, please view our Responsibility Investment Policy and/or reach out to ir@fulcrumasset.com.
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